Thursday, November 26, 2015

Holiday Blessings 2015

Winter reflection beckons me to visit precious memories, connections, challenges, growth, and accomplishments that have blessed my life over the past months. As the holiday season arrives, I reflect upon the gift of simplicity, and how the power of this one word continues to have a transformative impact on my life. Appreciating how words of wisdom never seem to grow old, I deeply cherish the lyrics of this enduring song like a dear ole’ friend in this modern world that grows bigger, faster, and increasingly techy.  

"Simple Gifts”
(written and composed in 1848 by Shaker Elder Joseph Brackett)

Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
We will be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.

In the Spirit of Simplicity
and Seasonal Gift-giving,
Check out my aromatic, fiber art. 
Spreading Blessings of Joy, Peace & Grace

Website Promotion at

In celebration of this magical season,
I offer these RENYA TALES below
for inspiration and delight.

"Christmas Goodwill"
"Holiday Joy"

Wishing you the Peace of Spirit
Blissful & Bright!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


for the opportunity to
Love, Serve, and Remember.
for awareness and illusion,
the symbiotic dance of shadow and light,
the human drama wink of time
within infinite change, for all the
experiences that slow me down and
wake me up, for guiding my steps
in trust and surrender in
Oneness Potential with the
Grand Divine Design.
for your exemplary teachings
of cycles and seasons,
balance, partnership, and respect
inspiring me to live with
greater awareness, compassion,
cooperation and responsibility
in allegiance to All Living Forms. 
with whom I abide on the spiral path
of continuum. Infinite thanks for
 soul family recognition
and sacred kinship collaboration
that lights the way.
for all the growth and possibility…

Blessings upon Blessings of Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Traveling many miles and visiting diverse landscapes has become a very enjoyable obsession. Hours of riding the open road invites me into silent awe. Drinking in the rich tapestry of Mama Earth’s spectacular landscape humbles my heart time and time again. At the time of writing this, I was riding through south central Idaho where vast prairie lands surrounded by panoramic peaks of light and shadow touch the mystery of sky. My heart responds in vibrant appreciation of how deeply I love the Gift of Earth.

Having the joy and privilege to trek in vast wildlands is a full emotion experience. One moment, I am riding high beholding with gratitude all the beauty around me, and then suddenly I am overcome with sadness pondering the mindless actions of humans damaging the natural world. In awareness, I offer gratitude for all the beauty that abounds and in the same moment I surrender to what is here and now. I must not lose sight that this earth training ground was set up on a free will basis and the drama beats on. If I judge it, I will be adding to the drama of huffing and puffing with anger and frustration complaining about how things ‘should’ be different than they are… and what good does that do, except create judgmental separation and add to the collective unconscious!

This year’s Ren & Ran gypsy traveling has come to a close. Back at home base in enchanted New Mexico where sunshiny days, bird symphonies, coyote howls, raven caws, critter crawls, and golden cottonwoods are alive with Autumn glory. What a welcome!

This current chapter of my life invites me to dig in, listen deeply, and love earnestly. There is learning and growth in each moment. My greatest calling is honoring spirit, loving earth, living my joy, remaining open and authentic, and showing up to what unfolds before me. Here’s my unfurling self-discovery.

Prior to meeting my John Muir-alike wilderness man Ran who invited me to live in the vast open lands of the southwest, I lived the proportion of my life’s daylight hours inside-bound. Even living off-grid now, I am one who can be oh so contently occupied in my cozy, warm, ‘Wren nest loft’ reading, writing, and creating.  Such is the life of a visionary artist overflowing with inspiration. Hours slip away before it even occurs to me to take a break. Arrr….. not a healthy, balanced choice.

Are you familiar with the saying, “we are human beings not human doings?” Well…. I am applying those words of wisdom, and this is what I sense. More often than not at home base as I tend to my home business tasks and indoor daily groove, I am forgetting, postponing, and overriding that a daily connection in nature is where I tap into miraculous discovery, heart happiness, soul gratitude, balanced well-being and nourishment.

Living in homes are grand and certainly serve a practical and enjoyable function, and yet the more time I spend traveling in a 5x8 ft. teeny pop-up camper and living off-grid in 135 sq. ft. tiny house (210 sq. ft with loft) with my partner the meaning of home is changing for me.  A simple set-up is refreshing. I prefer to make every small cubby of space count over the so-called luxury of having lots of inside space with plenty of room for accumulation.

The space in my life that I am welcoming more and more is the natural world that sets me free to explore wilderness in any direction without being bombarded by extensive population and pollution, excessive commercialism, and dependency technology.

Looking at the word HOMECOMING, I recognize in me a newness emerging. In coming home, I am growing roots beyond my preoccupation with the lovely structure that houses me. As I tap into loving earth, I am cultivating a relationship with the land that sustains me. Suddenly I’m paying attention to sustainability, solar energy, wind direction, soil erosion, animal tracks and critter scat, raven calls, community ant tunnels, changing climate, and more. In living closer with the land, I am appreciating the gift of earth in new ways. In growing respect for all that has been given, received, resourced, consumed and taken for granted, my heartfelt aim is to live more fully awake inwardly and outwardly.

Throughout the 80’s and 90’s, I practiced a good deal of meditation living from the heart up. My feet and legs were visible, but not rooted in my heart-centered being.  Expanding my inner world in lotus position with open heart and eyes closed was my modus operandi. Inasmuch as I was attuned with the starry soul world, I was barely grounded in the physical world.

My greatest form of meditation now is time on the land and under the skies. I recognize the potential pitfall of being a full-time homebody. Too much time caged indoors behind walls, windows, and doors cuts us off from fully appreciating the true richness, vitality, health and well-being of the great outdoors! Through quality time spent in nature we are more in touch with, impassioned about, and motivated to tend to the importance of caring for our fellow lifeforms with whom we share this beloved earth.

More deeply rooted in my body and growing a deeper partnership with honoring the earth, I am discovering more and more ways to take a stand for what I want to see more of in the world. Constantly identifying what I choose to participate in and what I don’t, I am not only loving the earth with my heart, but also cultivating a practical responsibility for this land that I love.

Recognizing that every choice I make and every dollar I spend has a direct impact on the world and the earth is causing me to constantly assess the quality of my lifestyle choices. When is enough… enough? Am I accumulating more stuff? Am I adding to pollution by driving a car more often than I really need to?  Do I really want to support corporate institutions instead of supporting local small businesses?  Do I really want to live beyond my means on credit card debt? Do I really want to shop at stores that keep sweat labor factories in business? Do I really want to support homebuilding, eating food, and growing a garden filled with toxic chemicals? In what ways can I live more consciously and sustainably? Am I living my life (or is my life running me) on mindless routine and habit?  Am I living awake and fully present to each moment through observation, inquiry, and rightful action?

One thing’s for sure, this world we live in, and the earth we stand upon, is shifting in every way possible.  Clearly, human impact and imprint is dramatically affecting all kingdoms and species of present and future generations. In honoring and witnessing this truth, more than ever, I am stepping up and stepping out to live as consciously, lightly, simply, and sustainably as possible. Along with, I am practicing unconditional acceptance. The more fully I am able to unconditionally accept all parts of myself the more I am able to deepen my relationship to the world, earth, and all its inhabitants in sacred kinship. However the earth continues its evolution and consciousness revolution, it seems to me in this ripple of earth time that my personal commitment to practicing unconditional acceptance and living my joy is the greatest stand I can take and contribution I can make.

As I walk the path of being human, I stretch my roots into the soil, and expand my spirit to higher ground where the great eagle flies. With feet in earth and arms outstretched, I am reminded of one of my clay sculpture creations entitled Heaven & Earth are One through Me. As I grow in balanced acknowledgement and working relationship with both of these currents flowing through all that exists, in respect for all life, I sense a magic hum within, below, above, and all around me.

In the spirit of self-awareness and rooted responsibility, I rest in the resonance of oneness where we are walking each other home.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


After two months of being at home base in the southwest to enjoy many monsoon rains and desert wildflower blooms, as well as the construction of a southwest-style ramada (porch), Ran & I have taken to the road again. For 2 months, we will be living in our pop-up camper we refer to as the teeny house. This camper also serves as my Prayer Bundle Bungalow creative workspace. The pop up camper offers half the size of our off-grid 200 sq. ft. tiny house in in NM, and is every bit as comfy as our casita which takes a mere 15 min. to clean. Love that!

I continuously give thanks for having magnetized a man whose dreams in life are similar to my own. We both adore living simply, traveling often, and primitive camping amidst wilderness without all the fancy amenities that keep one tethered to stuff. Comfort is important, and we just love the camper’s memory foam bed topper. What we love the most is that we don’t have to be anywhere except for where we want to be. It is s such a gift to live this way. Sometimes I wonder… how did I get here?

Very literally, I managed my mind to roam freely in singing up my ideal dreams. The road has been long, sometimes full of curves, and other times straight and narrow. Every day’s adventures provide me food for thought, wisdom to apply, and memories to embrace and savor. With so many roads to choose from in life, we take the roads less traveled for they set our free spirit’s ablaze with wonder, discovery, and delight. I’m grateful to be sharing the journey with a man who has been a mountaineer and wilderness tour guide who shares his wild nature wisdom.

I’ve always dearly loved the earth. In childhood, I played in mud and stream with my sister behind our home. As time went on, I discovered a passion for meandering in the woodlands, wading at the shore, breathing salt air, rolling down grassy hills, resting on lush moss, kissing flowers, hugging trees, dancing in the rain, being hushed at the sight of great mountains, admiring animals, delighting in birdcalls, embracing sunrise, sunset, and starry nights …

Now, in the current chapter of life, I am not only loving the earth, but spending more time outdoors with the earth. In doing so, I am growing deeper roots of understanding and respect in my relationship with mama earth. Participating in the natural world close up is strengthening my love, gratitude, honor, understanding, and most importantly, responsibility to this precious sacred ground we live upon.

Here are a few entries from my recent travel journal notes:

“Traveling inspires me to slow down, to be in reverence with that which sustains me. Listening to the creek, observing wild plants and animal tracks, studying the master building ability of ants, beholding the changing earth and sky…. I aim to keep my wild nature alive in this crazy modern world.”

“In Kanab, Utah driving along Grand Staircase-Escalante’s spectacular landscape, basking before the beauty of the vermilion rock cliffs, an epiphany awakens me as to why I have never considered it important to accumulate wealth and possessions. Living rich to me is in honoring the richness of Earth itself, and in so knowing this, I now dub myself a Vermillionaire!

Worthy to note, is a spirit message gifted to me many years ago that I carry in my awareness wherever I am. “You are as tiny as ant, and as big as mountain. Remembering this will support you in living balance.” I pass on these valuable words of wisdom.

As our traveling nirvana continues through original Native American lands, in desert and cave, old growth forests, the majesty of mountains, meadows, and various water bodies, from the southwest to the pacific northwest, ranging from sleeveless attire to sweatshirts, I close this blog post with a poem dedicated in thanks to beloved Ran, my Roadrunner partner, tour guide, and master map man, and his mighty chariot that treads the greatest of adventures.

Ode to the White Rhino

This name you were given in honor of
your mighty torque transports us thru
remote and rugged terrain. In thanking
you, we know you adore traveling as
much as we do! Not once do we take for
granted your steadfast efficiency and
reliability. We expect that you will probably
outlive us. Not just any Dodge Ram diesel
truck will do. You are most ideal for our
gypsy adventures. Together the 3
of us will surely go the distance.
We love you White Rhino!

On the Road Bliss!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer Solstice Sunrise & Father’s Day

Beckoned awake by sounds crackling outside the window, I behold a beautiful sight. Facing the East is my fire tending man who has built a fire on earth to honor and greet the sunfire in the sky. Jumping into my clothes, I’m out the door to join my soul brother in welcoming this morning’s solstice sunrise. The smell of pinon and juniper, native trees to these desert lands, dance in the air. Thank you Ran for calling forth your expression of gratitude for this day. It is an honor to join you.

Once breakfast around the fire is done…
Ran takes up his drawknife and like
the fine builder he is, proceeds to refine
the wood beams for 
ramada in the making.
I remove conifer needles 
from the spine for 
prayer bundle-making.

Prayers of this morning’s sunlight 

go out to every father.

May every Father be Blessed 

in Joy, Appreciation, and Goodness.

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Adventure of Life Continues...

The road before me is pulsing with inspiration and possibility. Much has transpired since my life-changing solo journey across country. I've spent quality time both on and off-road counting my blessings and leaping into various adventures. I've dearly missed blogging. Sharing the Journey is important to me, and so I'm back in the blogger seat again.

Writing in the ‘Wren Perch’

In appreciation of the present, I peer behind me from whence I've come. Waving bon voyage in 2012 to family and friends, an idyllic living environment, wonderful job, and steady income was a bold leap to take and an essential step in my personal and spiritual evolution. Traveling 8-months across country vibrantly alive to each moment reawakened my gypsy spirit.


"Our destination is never a place but
rather a new way of looking at things."
                                                             Henry Miller

Rising up to set myself free of daily routine to follow spirit’s lead breath-by-breath, step-by step, awakened deep levels of trust in myself and the unknown. Gratitude for openness, connection, and synchronicity played a huge part in my time on the road as well. Many reunions and friendships were made, and it is my intention, as with previous blogs, to reach out and keep in touch. The above quote pretty much sums up my unquenchable thirst for adventure. Embracing adventure welcomes new horizons that come in many ways, forms, and sizes. That’s the part I like best. I never know what’s around the corner.

The newest of horizons has me living in partnership with a man named Ran (together we are Ren & Ran). How’s that for a cosmic joke? A women named Ren(ya) meeting a guy named Ran(dall)? The Universe has quite the sense of humor. Meeting Ran was magical, beyond my wildest dreams. Together, we live in a community amidst 62-acres of southwest desert on the rim of canyon wilderness. Living in a 200 sq. ft. tiny house that Ran finished building one week before I arrived on the scene is a brand new journey. This micro-solar, sustainable, off-grid lifestyle provides an abundance of ‘tudes’ – (gratitude, solitude, simple-tude). Rooted on southwest sacred ground now for 2 years, I now understand why during all those years living on the east coast I would say that my spirit lived in the southwest. It does indeed.

Living with Ran is nothing short of a great adventure. In earlier days he climbed mountains and mushed dogs. Ran is the John Muir-like wilderness guide I envisioned long ago. Not one day goes by that I’m not astounded by his honed outdoor knowledge and skill.

My eyes are opening to a whole new world and I am stronger, clearer, and most grateful for this chapter in my life. Life in a tiny house might be difficult for some. For us, it’s ideal. Easy and eco-friendly to clean, heat, cool, and all around manage. Being part of the tiny house movement has dramatically increased my awareness and vigilant conservation of earth’s resources. Ran and I share the view that the natural world is the greatest entertainment of all, far more than inside a beautiful box with walls and doors. Don't get me wrong, we deeply appreciate the warmth and comfort of our sweet, cozy, shelter called 'Casita de Amore' (House of Love).

Our relationship flows in symbiotic rhythm. Some days are spent on creative projects at home base. Other days the map just seems to jump off the shelf, and before we know it, we’re on the road. I love traveling solo, and having a travel partner has doubled the fun!!

It is here in New Mexico that I am thriving in my dedication to living simple, joyous, and free. The dream of writing a book about my new life continues to be a start and stop process. It appears that I am to stay focused on living the dream instead of writing the dream, for the more I imagine penning a book the further it slips away. That, my friends, is an invitation to let go & trust in divine order and timing once again.

Living amongst the immense beauty and power of wilderness is reconstructing my awareness and responsibility for honoring spirit and loving earth. This place of splendor where land and sky stretch as far as you can see, where coyotes howl and ravens shrill, where light and shadow dance on mountain majesty, where elements are in charge and demand your respect, where juniper, sage, pinon pine, and cactus create this Land of Enchantment, I feel quite blessed to be living in this desert paradise.

In these transformative times, it is most important to me that I live where I feel a strong, deep, connection of resonance with the land and community. It is here in the Village of the Shining Stones that my roots and shoots are growing. Speaking of growth, it is also here that I am experiencing creative renewal in growing a home business. A greater willingness to step up and do what it takes to manifest my life-long yearning of working for myself is well underway. Digging my talons into the sustaining power of commitment, my entrepreneurial spirit is immersed in creative vision and manifestation.

Handcrafting fiber art prayer bundles has been a sacred calling since 2011, although it is now that I am bundling gung-ho to keep up with orders. The prayer bundle muse is keeping me delightfully immersed. Designing, networking and marketing bundles at home and on the road is a lot of work, and I love it! Heartfelt thanks to my man Ran for providing the space and partnership support for my creative plunging. And heartfelt thanks to my son, Eitra, for building me a creative house (website) to showcase my growing body of soul-inspired creations in the social media world. These two special men in my life are great beams of support for my creative emergence to whom I am most grateful.


In closing, I quote a dear soul brother who I recently met on a visit to Ojai, CA.

“We are humbly unfolding this great creation we are all a part of with empowered faith in what we are and what we are becoming! Thank you for being a part of this evolution into our hearts to discover our infinite love of life and the wonderful learning and growing process we are all a part of. The earth is holding a space for us to become our truest selves. I am so grateful to be a part of this time on the planet!” 
– Matthew Flower

.... Sharing the Journey  ....
In doing so, we inspire one another to 
stretch and grow. It is a blessed joy to 
be honoring the path before me.
As I honor may path, I honor yours.

I would love to hear from you.
If you are thus inspired, post a comment!