Saturday, February 17, 2018


Everyday that comes and goes leaves its indelible mark. Chapters of living experience, as portals of change, rolling into a scroll of memory.

Tailing right along with gratitude for a joyous life, I cannot escape the deep pit of unrest that I harbor. A soul-calling to write a book. As deep as this yearning runs there appears a seeming obstacle.

Why do I interpret book-writing as such a dreaded task? Despite many wonderments of where that unfortunate thought originates, I have only one clue. A past life. A distant memory faded into bleed-through bits and pieces offering no help.

On the flip-side, I know a fair amount about soul yearnings to understand that they trace back to our ancestors. Like a baton, we pass on, or pass by, the pathways of opportunity set before us.

Sounds like another one of those ‘go for it’ soul-agreement adventures!

What it comes down to is a here and now choice. Laughing to myself, I already know the answer. I choose to heal and give life to the cast-away author held hostage inside my bones.

Now is the time for ‘discipline.’ That ominous word I promised to stand by, and learn from, in 2018. February is nearly gone, and there’s no time to procrastinate. If I choose to live the remainder of my life without regret, I must find a way to create a disciplined life alongside an inspired life. Sounds like a marriage to me! The forging of cooperation and balance between left and right brain hemispheres.

Over the last 5 years, free-spirit road travel, with my journey partner, and growing a small handcraft business, have been my foremost focus. These realized dreams continue to inspire and feed me.

Recently, I met with a new friend whose skill is creative organization. As I began rattling off my long list of projects, he jotted down a time management outline that thrust me out of the ridiculousness of my fantasy.

All my life, I’ve been stockpiling a huge and heavy bag of creative vision. My friend, Dave, never once said, “Get real!” He didn’t have to. Through his balanced well-spring, and non-judgmental approach, I was able to adjust my artist’s eye to the nuts ‘n’ bolts of practical. How very sobering.

Time management has never been my thing, yet with the passing of every day, I feel the spaces in between that call me to pen my passion of story, and the passing down of personal experience.

My Writer’s Voice allows me to birth what lies beneath the surface, to give back my wisdom of life experience. Most of all, however, it is a way of honoring my vision and voice during this time of Great Turning.

Of course, there is no accident that I just happen to be living with the greatest example of discipline. My man practices his craft, without excuse, without fail, several hours every day. The writing is on the wall as clear as it could be. My 2 least favorite words in the English language (discipline and practice) are staring me in the face saying, “Take a seat, my dear. Procrastination leads only to a dead end.”

Speaking of dead-ends is fortuitous. Making peace with the here and now, as well as the end of life, matters to me. One thing is for certain, we never know when our Earth-time is up.

Thirty years ago, I was posed the following question. “If you were told that you be dead in the next 15 minutes, what would you say to the World before leaving?” In response, I stood before a large group and spoke freely what was resting in my heart. It mattered not that my knees were knocking and my voice trembling. What mattered was the choice of speaking up or remaining silent.

Once again, I am standing at a similar precipice of focus and fearlessness.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Journey of Life

"We cannot presume tomorrow. NOW is the time to devote our daily breath to our joy and purpose. Celebrate life's precious moments from beginning to end." -Renya

Recently, I had the honor and pleasure of attending a One Woman Art Exhibit at the Truchas General Mercantile located on the High Road to Taos. 

Highlighted Artist, Shelley Epstein, is a beautiful-bright-being. Her soul-shine is youthful and infectious. At the same time her body is dying. Family and friends, old and new, gathered in celebration of this bittersweet art opening sharing hugs, memories, joy and tears. 

This art show was a powerful Wake-Up Call for I am one who carries a bounty of creative visions & dreams. Enough for 7 lives. Some I have tended to and actualized, many I have not. As much as I aim to complete this life clear, in peace, and without regret, witnessing Shelley embrace her remaining livelihood infused me with the powerful reminder ::: *Do it! Do it Now!!! Think not that you have all the time you want to fulfill your purpose and manifest your dreams.*

Thank you, Shelley, for your exhilarating presence and creative inspiration that has touched so many. Truly you embody the truth that 'Life is a gift when you live in the present."

Monday, June 12, 2017

Message To My Sisters

I love spending days in joyous service to my visionary art expression. Working for myself, and having an income stream doing what I love fills my pores with brightness. With my deepening artistic dedication and growing customer base, it is easy to get swept away in excessive yang doing-ness for hours on end.  

Meanwhile, The Great Council of the Grandmothers offer their words of wisdom and mission with The Net of Light. "Earth has suffered too long from an excess of yang and insufficient yin." 

Around the time of the Women's March, I realized that it didn't feel resonant to contribute to the collective mentality of Defending-Protesting-Resisting. Asking our Great Mother for a balanced way to RiseUp, the Net of Light was brought to my attention.  

At the start and end of each day, I rest in the resonance of peace knowing that I am contributing an empowering yin blessing into the collective. 

"It is time to return to balance, and for this, women must lead. Women must be empowered. This is why we have come." - The  Great Council of the Grandmothers.

"When the wisdom of the Grandmothers is heard, the world will heal."
- Native American Prophecy
"The Net of Light invites me to uphold and fulfill my divine purpose/promise during these transformational times that I often refer to as Hoedown Time." - Renya
In the Spirit of the above quote, if you feel called to know more about The Council of Grandmothers and The Net of Light, I invite you to explore the links provided below:
This beautifully nourishing and empowering 8:05 minute meditation keeps me daily centered and steady.
Facebook Net of Light Community:
Net of Light - Grandmothers Speak

Saturday, February 13, 2016

 In Honor of Valentine's Day 
A Heartcrafted Renya Tale

On February 14, 1999, this gentle-hearted man, John Mesha Brevard, crouched down before me asking if I would marry him. A resounding happy heart YES spilled from my lips. We were in our 8th year of sharing a wonderful life together. Never before had I imagined being a marrying type until I met Beloved Brevard. Clearly, we were twin souls.

Brevard & Renya

Eight months into our engagement, Brevard announced that he would be setting out on a journey to NC to attend an intensive solar house building seminar. He had dreamed of building us a cob solar home. I appreciated that he invited me along, although I felt a stronger pull to remain at home focused on my daily creative routine. I remember well walking my beloved to his car, kissing him goodbye, wishing him a safe journey.

Just days before he left, we had been deeply entrenched in discussing and disagreeing about wedding plans. He envisioned a church wedding to please his parents, and I envisioned a woodland wedding to appease my free spirit. I’m sure you know, as well as I, how the energy and words of a disagreement create a palpable division between people who love and care for one another. For days, we limped through the revisited discussion with no apparent mutual resolution in sight.

Thankfully, a transformational day arrived when Brevard followed an intuitive hunch to call our dear friend and spiritual mentor. Geoffrey knew our story, our family pattern dynamics, our joys and challenges. That phone call ended up shifting us both out of ego-driven conditional love into the melting heart resonance of unconditional love and acceptance. Throughout the rest of this lifetime, at least, I remain profoundly indebted for Brevard’s intuitive knowing, and Geoffrey’s eagle-view assistance, that served to untangle the knots of oppositional opinionated drama.

During Brevard’s week-long solar seminar, life took a sudden twist. Late October 1999, my beloved incurred a massive heart attack while taking a snooze in his car during lunch break. I was aware that he had childhood heart surgery, but did not know the nitty-gritty details until after he died. The story of Brevard’s spirit leaving the earth, and my awareness of his passing, came to me in a profound daydream vision that turned my understanding of how to love between heaven and earth upside down.

Three months after Brevard’s transition, the new millennium arrived. Thirty days later, Valentine’s Day arrived spouting all its commercial hype. With my aching heart engaged in the healing process of adapting to and accepting my new life, I yearned for my honey to wrap his physical presence around me. I didn’t care about a box of heart-shaped chocolates or a bouquet of flowers. I yearned for “The Real McCoy!” but learned to be content with the energetic touch of his angel wings.

Moss Feather Heart dedicated to Unconditional Love

Through Love and loss, Brevard’s passing became a powerful teaching of soul-love and self-love. The illusion of distance and separation melted into One Heart Bliss. When hearing love songs on the radio, instead of craving man-woman relationship, I would experience an outpouring of Spirit loving me. Whenever I would spot lovers on the street kissing and holding hands, instead of rewinding and belaboring the past, I would embrace their joy as my joy.

It is now February 2016. Valentine’s Day is around the bend. As a spirited grey-haired elder now, having spent many years healing the heartache of love, loss, and letting go, I have a gift to pass on. In year 2000, the night before Valentine’s Day, after Brevard floated onward, I was given the below spirit message. It is meant to be shared.

Whether you are focused on deepening your relationship with yourself, in a relationship with a partner, healing or transitioning from a relationship, desiring a relationship, this gift is for you!

“Go find yourself a beautiful rose. Commune with it deeply for it is a reflection of your innermost heart. Close your eyes, Be Still. Release all heartache into the folds of the rose. Rest in Divine Love*Light. Welcome Home Beautiful Valentine!”

“And when you return to the ways of the world, visit me again inside the beating of your heart where the infinite shores of my love and guidance forever abides.”

This Valentine's Love Note from Spirit carries a comforting vibration, a welcoming into sweet surrender, an invitation to soften your heart from the ways of this world. May you be inspired to dedicate a rose to your very own beautiful being this Valentine’s Day.

After Valentine’s Day, intentionally scatter your
heart-infused petals in a memorable place. 
You may even want to dry and wrap them
in a simple cloth pouch to wear or hang.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Holiday Blessings 2015

Winter reflection beckons me to visit precious memories, connections, challenges, growth, and accomplishments that have blessed my life over the past months. As the holiday season arrives, I reflect upon the gift of simplicity, and how the power of this one word continues to have a transformative impact on my life. Appreciating how words of wisdom never seem to grow old, I deeply cherish the lyrics of this enduring song like a dear ole’ friend in this modern world that grows bigger, faster, and increasingly techy.  

"Simple Gifts”
(written and composed in 1848 by Shaker Elder Joseph Brackett)

Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
We will be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.

In the Spirit of Simplicity
and Seasonal Gift-giving,
Check out my aromatic, fiber art. 
Spreading Blessings of Joy, Peace & Grace

Website Promotion at

In celebration of this magical season,
I offer these RENYA TALES below
for inspiration and delight.

"Christmas Goodwill"
"Holiday Joy"

Wishing you the Peace of Spirit
Blissful & Bright!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


for the opportunity to
Love, Serve, and Remember.
for awareness and illusion,
the symbiotic dance of shadow and light,
the human drama wink of time
within infinite change, for all the
experiences that slow me down and
wake me up, for guiding my steps
in trust and surrender in
Oneness Potential with the
Grand Divine Design.
for your exemplary teachings
of cycles and seasons,
balance, partnership, and respect
inspiring me to live with
greater awareness, compassion,
cooperation and responsibility
in allegiance to All Living Forms. 
with whom I abide on the spiral path
of continuum. Infinite thanks for
 soul family recognition
and sacred kinship collaboration
that lights the way.
for all the growth and possibility…

Blessings upon Blessings of Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Traveling many miles and visiting diverse landscapes has become a very enjoyable obsession. Hours of riding the open road invites me into silent awe. Drinking in the rich tapestry of Mama Earth’s spectacular landscape humbles my heart time and time again. At the time of writing this, I was riding through south central Idaho where vast prairie lands surrounded by panoramic peaks of light and shadow touch the mystery of sky. My heart responds in vibrant appreciation of how deeply I love the Gift of Earth.

Having the joy and privilege to trek in vast wildlands is a full emotion experience. One moment, I am riding high beholding with gratitude all the beauty around me, and then suddenly I am overcome with sadness pondering the mindless actions of humans damaging the natural world. In awareness, I offer gratitude for all the beauty that abounds and in the same moment I surrender to what is here and now. I must not lose sight that this earth training ground was set up on a free will basis and the drama beats on. If I judge it, I will be adding to the drama of huffing and puffing with anger and frustration complaining about how things ‘should’ be different than they are… and what good does that do, except create judgmental separation and add to the collective unconscious!

This year’s Ren & Ran gypsy traveling has come to a close. Back at home base in enchanted New Mexico where sunshiny days, bird symphonies, coyote howls, raven caws, critter crawls, and golden cottonwoods are alive with Autumn glory. What a welcome!

This current chapter of my life invites me to dig in, listen deeply, and love earnestly. There is learning and growth in each moment. My greatest calling is honoring spirit, loving earth, living my joy, remaining open and authentic, and showing up to what unfolds before me. Here’s my unfurling self-discovery.

Prior to meeting my John Muir-alike wilderness man Ran who invited me to live in the vast open lands of the southwest, I lived the proportion of my life’s daylight hours inside-bound. Even living off-grid now, I am one who can be oh so contently occupied in my cozy, warm, ‘Wren nest loft’ reading, writing, and creating.  Such is the life of a visionary artist overflowing with inspiration. Hours slip away before it even occurs to me to take a break. Arrr….. not a healthy, balanced choice.

Are you familiar with the saying, “we are human beings not human doings?” Well…. I am applying those words of wisdom, and this is what I sense. More often than not at home base as I tend to my home business tasks and indoor daily groove, I am forgetting, postponing, and overriding that a daily connection in nature is where I tap into miraculous discovery, heart happiness, soul gratitude, balanced well-being and nourishment.

Living in homes are grand and certainly serve a practical and enjoyable function, and yet the more time I spend traveling in a 5x8 ft. teeny pop-up camper and living off-grid in 135 sq. ft. tiny house (210 sq. ft with loft) with my partner the meaning of home is changing for me.  A simple set-up is refreshing. I prefer to make every small cubby of space count over the so-called luxury of having lots of inside space with plenty of room for accumulation.

The space in my life that I am welcoming more and more is the natural world that sets me free to explore wilderness in any direction without being bombarded by extensive population and pollution, excessive commercialism, and dependency technology.

Looking at the word HOMECOMING, I recognize in me a newness emerging. In coming home, I am growing roots beyond my preoccupation with the lovely structure that houses me. As I tap into loving earth, I am cultivating a relationship with the land that sustains me. Suddenly I’m paying attention to sustainability, solar energy, wind direction, soil erosion, animal tracks and critter scat, raven calls, community ant tunnels, changing climate, and more. In living closer with the land, I am appreciating the gift of earth in new ways. In growing respect for all that has been given, received, resourced, consumed and taken for granted, my heartfelt aim is to live more fully awake inwardly and outwardly.

Throughout the 80’s and 90’s, I practiced a good deal of meditation living from the heart up. My feet and legs were visible, but not rooted in my heart-centered being.  Expanding my inner world in lotus position with open heart and eyes closed was my modus operandi. Inasmuch as I was attuned with the starry soul world, I was barely grounded in the physical world.

My greatest form of meditation now is time on the land and under the skies. I recognize the potential pitfall of being a full-time homebody. Too much time caged indoors behind walls, windows, and doors cuts us off from fully appreciating the true richness, vitality, health and well-being of the great outdoors! Through quality time spent in nature we are more in touch with, impassioned about, and motivated to tend to the importance of caring for our fellow lifeforms with whom we share this beloved earth.

More deeply rooted in my body and growing a deeper partnership with honoring the earth, I am discovering more and more ways to take a stand for what I want to see more of in the world. Constantly identifying what I choose to participate in and what I don’t, I am not only loving the earth with my heart, but also cultivating a practical responsibility for this land that I love.

Recognizing that every choice I make and every dollar I spend has a direct impact on the world and the earth is causing me to constantly assess the quality of my lifestyle choices. When is enough… enough? Am I accumulating more stuff? Am I adding to pollution by driving a car more often than I really need to?  Do I really want to support corporate institutions instead of supporting local small businesses?  Do I really want to live beyond my means on credit card debt? Do I really want to shop at stores that keep sweat labor factories in business? Do I really want to support homebuilding, eating food, and growing a garden filled with toxic chemicals? In what ways can I live more consciously and sustainably? Am I living my life (or is my life running me) on mindless routine and habit?  Am I living awake and fully present to each moment through observation, inquiry, and rightful action?

One thing’s for sure, this world we live in, and the earth we stand upon, is shifting in every way possible.  Clearly, human impact and imprint is dramatically affecting all kingdoms and species of present and future generations. In honoring and witnessing this truth, more than ever, I am stepping up and stepping out to live as consciously, lightly, simply, and sustainably as possible. Along with, I am practicing unconditional acceptance. The more fully I am able to unconditionally accept all parts of myself the more I am able to deepen my relationship to the world, earth, and all its inhabitants in sacred kinship. However the earth continues its evolution and consciousness revolution, it seems to me in this ripple of earth time that my personal commitment to practicing unconditional acceptance and living my joy is the greatest stand I can take and contribution I can make.

As I walk the path of being human, I stretch my roots into the soil, and expand my spirit to higher ground where the great eagle flies. With feet in earth and arms outstretched, I am reminded of one of my clay sculpture creations entitled Heaven & Earth are One through Me. As I grow in balanced acknowledgement and working relationship with both of these currents flowing through all that exists, in respect for all life, I sense a magic hum within, below, above, and all around me.

In the spirit of self-awareness and rooted responsibility, I rest in the resonance of oneness where we are walking each other home.